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This week, the French legislative elections will take place, anticipated by the decision of President Macron, following the results of the European elections. The...


The Commission provided €50 million in loans to North Macedonia this week. This is the first tranche of the ongoing Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) operation to the country. The...


If a man is known by the company he keeps, what to make of the many men and women in London who provide professional...


On the face of it, he is a perfect opposition politician – all righteous anger and condemnation when you browse through his social networks...


This editorial was published in Welt am Sonntag on 11 July 2020. As a young prosecutor, I used to wonder why white-collar criminals would...


On 1 May this year Belgian journalist Roland Delacore wrote a personal opinion piece about the Church of Almighty God, which was published in...

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