On Monday 10 February, a high-level ceremony will take place in Bruges to inaugurate the new European Health Union Fellowship, with the presence of Federica Mogherini, Rector of the College of Europe, Sanda Gallina, Director-General for Health and Food at the Commission, and András T. Kulja, Member of the European Parliament. Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare, will deliver a video address at the ceremony, while Josep Figueras, Fellowship Ambassador, will deliver the inaugural speech.
With the motto “Health Unites Us”, the Health Union Fellowship is a new EU training programme to bring together EU public health experts from all Member States to learn, exchange knowledge and collaborate on key health topics, such as digital health, pharmaceutical strategies and disease prevention. The Fellows have been nominated by national authorities and will be trained by a team of recognised experts and highly experienced mentors, including senior officials from health ministries. This year, the inaugural group of the Fellowship will be named after Katalin Karikó, a Hungarian biologist known for her pioneering research on RNA therapies.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the need for solidarity and collaboration in the healthcare sector. The European Health Union that has emerged will be strengthened by the Fellowship, building bridges between different parts of the public health community and fostering a strong network of professionals to work together to address key public health challenges. This first edition of the Health Union Fellowship will run until September 2025. The Fellowship complements existing training programmes offered in the member states.
More information available online.