In 2022, sold production of wine (including sparkling wine, port and grape must) in the EU amounted to 16.1 billion litres.
The top three wine producers accounted for 83% of EU production. Italy and Spain each contributed nearly 5.0 bn litres, representing together 62% of the total sold production in the EU, while France produced 3.4bn litres, 20%. Other producers exceeding 1% of the EU total were Germany (4%), Portugal (above 2%), and Hungary (below 2%).

Source dataset: DS-056120
Italy: The leading wine exporter in 2022
In 2022, the EU members exported 7.2bn litres of wine. Almost half (3.2bn litres, 44%) was exported to countries outside of the EU (extra-EU). Most of the wine was exported to the United Kingdom (0.7bn litres 23% of extra-EU exports), followed by the United States (0.7bn litres, 22%), Russia (0.3bn litres, 9%) and Canada (0.20bn litres, 6%).
Italy was by far the top exporter of wine, with exports of 2.2bn litres in 2022, representing 30% of the EU members’ exports of wine. It was followed by Spain (2.1bn litres, 29%) and France (1.4bn litres, 19%).

Source dataset: DS-059322
More information
- Thematic section on PRODCOM
- Database on PRODCOM
- Thematic section on international trade in goods
- Database on international trade in goods
Methodological notes
- Trade data: total EU trade is calculated by the adding of intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Due to quasi-transit trade, this may lead to double counting. An example of this would be wine exported to the United States by France via the Netherlands. This would lead to the same wine being counted as an export by both the Netherlands and France. More precisely, it would appear in the Netherlands’ extra-EU exports to the United States and in France’s intra-EU exports to the Netherlands.
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