In 2022, 24.7% (almost 20 million) of the children (aged less than 18 years) in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Compared with 2021, this share slightly increased by 0.3 percentage points (pp). At national level, in 2022, the highest values were reported in Romania (41.5%), Bulgaria (33.9%) and Spain (32.2 %). In contrast, Slovenia (10.3%), Czechia (13.4%), and Denmark (13.8%) registered the lowest shares.

Source dataset: ILC_PEPS01N
More information
- Statistics Explained article on children at risk of poverty or social exclusion
- Thematic section on income and living conditions
- Database on income and living conditions
Methodological notes
- Methodological information on at risk of poverty or social exclusion can be found here.
- France: provisional data.
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