Europe’s leading online news platform EU Reporter is expanding its service to readers and viewers worldwide, with a new unique partnership with Crypto news platform Coin Reporter.
EU Reporter is already a chosen preferred news source by opinion formers throughout Europe.
In a ComRes/Burson-Marsteller survey EU Reporter rated at 8%, equal to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, and ahead of the Guardian Online (6%) as the online news provider of choice among MEPs, EU Institutions staff, and Brussels decision-makers and opinion-formers.
“Many highly educated politically aware millennials are also tech and crypto-savvy investors,” said EU Reporter publisher Colin Stevens.
“We are responding to the huge amount of requests we have received for timely facts and accurate information, but we will not be providing investment advice nor recommendations”.
“ We Believe that will bring big value to the Crypto industry, “ said Founder and CEO of Coin Reporter Dimitar Yankov.
“The main goal of our media is to bring radical transparency and help both Retail customers and Crypto business! We believe that soft regulations can protect our readers and in the same way will allow Crypto businesses to be creative and explore new horizons. That’s why we and our partners are committed to working hard for the good of the Crypto World!”
Coin Reporter is freely available online via EU Reporter’s Crypto page and at
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